Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Mel & Tay Holiday

Ho, ho, ho.  One big reason I am jolly at this time of year is because of how well our first ever Oak Hill High School Youth For Christ Banquet went on November, 18th!  Over 80 adults attended, along with high school Principle Mike McDivitt, Oak Hill United School Corporation Superintendent Joel Martin, and a sizable pack of hard-working students who helped set up and serve during the banquet.  We were able to hear the testimonies of one student, one volunteer, and one teacher of how God is already using Campus Life to impact families and change lives at the high school.  We also had a worship song corporately sung at the end of the banquet led by my beautiful and sweet fiancé Melissa Meyer and her friend Caitlyn.  Local churches were represented with excellence as well, as we had four pastors from four different local churches pray throughout the course of the evening.  Thank you to all of you who contributed to this huge success!  Not only has it generated a noticeable amount of enthusiasm and momentum around the school and surrounding community, but we were also able to further fund the ministry of Campus Life by raising over $10,000 in a single evening!  Thank You, Lord.  If you missed this incredible night, go ahead and mark your calendar for our second banquet installment coming back to a high school cafeteria near you (Oak Hill, silly) in November 2016.

Excuse me while I…  Get personal for a moment: ON DECEMBER 27th I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!  I know that for many of you this comes as great evidence that our God is still in business of doing miracles.  It does to me, as well. Melissa Meyer and I will become One at our local church in Marion, IN, on the evening of December 27th and will spend the following week in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee for our honeymoon.  As you pray for the ministry of Youth For Christ at Oak Hill, please also remember this momentous and life-changing event in your prayers.  Marriage is a life-long covenant before God and man that I am ecstatic for, but I am also very humbled by it and needy for your prayers and support as Mel and I prepare to proceed into a new and wonderful life together.

So what’s next?  As relationships deepen between students, volunteers and myself, your prayer continues to carry us.  Thank you for remembering me and for showing your support in, for many of you, a variety of wonderful ways.  Weekly breakfast’s continue to engage and encourage an average of anywhere from 20-35 students each Wednesday morning in the school cafeteria. Weekly Club nights are preparing to launch at the Oak Hill campus in January 2016, and we couldn’t be more excited or ready for this next development to finally take flight.  Personal financial support continues to come in month after month bringing me to up to 76% of my financial need for this fiscal year.  It’s a joy-filled walk of faith as I trust the Lord’s promise to always provide for His children what they need.  With all that said, "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!"

Humbly for Jesus,
Taylor Frank


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